The Brahma Kumaris
Point Cook

Welcome to Brahma Kumaris Point Cook Meditation centre. 

An oasis of peace in suburb, the Point Cook Brahma Kumaris Centre serves the inner and midwest suburbs of Melbourne.

Our meditation community is diverse, and we offer our programs in several languages, including English, Hindi,  Kannada, Gujarti, etc.

We offer The Brahma Kumaris’ core curriculum in Raja Yoga Meditation, including courses on Self Esteem, Inner Peace, Inner Power, Positive Thinking, and Positive Parenting. These courses are available both in-person and online. Additionally, we provide outreach programs to various groups and organizations and occasionally feature special guest speakers.

We look forward to welcoming you.

The Brahma Kumaris Point Cook

Address: 14 Oceanwave Parade, Point Cook 3030

Phone:   +61 468 837 712 /+61 474 074 985

Opening Hours:

 8 AM – 12 PM

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

“For visiting, schedule an appointment through call or text.”

The Team

Sister RUPA

Centre Coordinator / Tutor

Sister Rupa, with an MBA in Self & Crisis Management and an M.Sc. in Value Education & Spirituality, has dedicated over 20 years to promoting spiritual awareness worldwide through the Brahma Kumaris. She loves meeting people, networking and sharing her love of meditation. She has a special gift in analyzing deep rooted emotions like stress, anger, and fear and inspiring self-transformation with simple practices that have helped many through her talks, seminars and workshops. She is a seasoned spiritual motivational speaker and meditation teacher with extensive experience in India, Mauritius and Australia.

Ananya Tomar

Centre Resident / Tutor

Brahma Kumari Ananya Tomar, is a young and aspirational Raja Yoga Meditation Teacher & an environmentalist, with a strong desire to bring spiritual awareness among all human beings as well as to reaffirm the spiritual identity, inherent goodness, dignity and worth of the human being. She came to practice Rajayoga at the young age of 16. While Ananya grew up in New Delhi, she choose Melbourne, Australia as the place of action where she graduated in Environmental Science.

The Place

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