Gyan Sarovor

Completed in 1996, Gyan Sarovar, meaning ‘Lake of Knowledge’, is also known as the Academy for a Better World. It is the second campus built by the Brahma Kumaris in Mt Abu. Gyan Sarovar stands as a modern village-style complex in the quiet rural setting near the village of Salgaon and close to the original Pandav Bhavan and Global Hospital complexes. Facilities include an auditorium that can seat 1600 people, 14 seminar and training rooms, and accommodation for up to 1500 people. Thousands of fruit trees have been planted in and around the complex and the campus incorporates several environmentally sustainable features including solar water heating for bathing, a solar array that generates steam for cooking, a hybrid wind-solar-diesel system that ensures power supply to the telephone and audio-visual, a plant capable of treating 200,000 litres of waste water, and waste separation and support for local re-cycling practices.