

In 1988, as a follow-up to the Million Minutes of Peace Appeal, the Brahma Kumaris undertook the project, Global Cooperation for a Better World. Essentially, the aim was to gather in words or pictures, responses to the question, What is your vision of a better world? In answering the question, people were asked to observe just one Golden Rule: to couch their replies in positive terms (and not as a negation of anything they disliked). Some of the visions are below.

Global Co-operation for a Better World focused entirely on hopeful visions of the future. It ignored the negative. This was deliberate. As the world nears the end of Kali Yuga (the time of darkness), the negative forces in the world will intensify. To counteract that and bring transformation, we must concentrate as never before on the positive. The global conversion from negative to positive energy can only be created through a heightening of individual consciousness, an awakening inside the human spirit. We believe that when individuals become aware of their true nature, their innate and unique worth, they cannot harbor negativity within themselves. The spiritually aware person is in touch with the greatness of the universal force for good that we call God. Global Co-operation for a better world collects the testimony of people’s hearts – their hopes, wishes and dreams. It is clear that the process of transformation from negativity to positivity is something of great value. Connect to your goodness and follow the dream from your heart.

Global Co-operation for a Better World

The Voices of Global Co-operation

During this Global campaign, people across 120 countries expressed their feelings and translated their thoughts about a better world in the form of art, comments and activities, and they participated in encouraging others to share their hopes and dreams also. What they expressed was so incredible that the Brahma Kumaris created a book of Global Cooperation and presented this to the United Nations in 1988. Below, are some of the heart felt excerpts… Click on any to open and see them in full size.