
One Seed, One Tree of Humanity

There are many faiths and beliefs of the world.

Each has a spiritual speciality that is not always recognised or appreciated. Perhaps you may have experienced a spiritual virtue from one of these religions that has drawn you to its call. Recognise your speciality and the speciality of others and let us celebrate coming together in one tree of humanity.

Here are some spiritual specialities of the main branches:

Being habitual and regular, faithful and determined, is a sign of a victorious king.

Being non-violent and peaceful, compassionate and respectful, is a sign of a carefree emperor.

Being loving and charitable, benevolent and harmonious, is a sign of a praise-worthy royal.

Being free from any attractions of the senses and relations, is a sign of a master ruler.

Being responsible and righteous, truthful and just, is a sign of a courageous sovereign.

God, Himself, is the Seed or Lord of the tree, and His greatest speciality is that He is the Bestower: the Bestower of Fortune and the Bestower of Blessings. He is also the only One who can bestow all these specialities.

The one who has filled himself with all these specialities from God, is an extraordinary soul who belongs to the whole tree and is the Father of Humanity.

Following the Father of Humanity and becoming selfless and tireless, surrendered in God’s service, is a sign of a great instrument for establishing a new golden world of divinity.

Want to learn more about the one tree of humanity?

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