September 2024

Meditations & Prayers for the Earth

Join us for a silent meditation session dedicated to prayers and reflections for our Earth and in support of the UN Climate Conference. Theme: Prayers and Meditations for Our Earth and UN Climate Conference Reflection: A participant will offer a 3 – 5 minute reflection to guide us into silent prayers and meditations. Silent Meditation: 20 minutes of […]
17 Sep
11:00 am - 11:30 am

The Gift of Peace – Online meditation

Inspired by the upcoming International Day of Peace, commencing this new series to come together for an evening of collective meditation to give ourselves this gift of peace and create a ripple of peace that extends far beyond our gathering, to our world. Whether you’re an experienced meditator or new to the practice, join us […]
17 Sep
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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